1. Handling Colic Baby: A Personal Journey of a Mother

    As a mother of two children, I am here to share my personal journey of handling a colic baby. When my elder son was born, everything seemed normal, and he was the epitome of cuteness. However, as the first month passed, his crying suddenly escalated, especially during the nights, persisting for hours on end. Witnessing our precious child in such distress was heart-wrenching and emotionally draining. His crying episodes lasted for about three months, and it was a challenging time for us as new parents. We couldn’t help but wonder if he was experiencing pain or discomfort during these intense crying spells.

    Desperate for Answers: The Doctor Visits

    Desperate to understand what was happening to our baby, I consulted twelve doctors during this period. Most of them prescribed medicine for his digestion or gas, assuming that it might be related to stomach or digestion issues. However, despite the efforts, none of the doctors could pinpoint the exact trigger behind his crying. The reality is that colic does not have a specific cure or treatment, leaving many parents like us worried and seeking answers.

    Sharing My Experience with Fellow Parents

    As a non-specialist, I am merely sharing my firsthand experience with parents who are anxious about their babies’ inconsolable crying. Interestingly, my second child, a girl, provided a completely different experience. Her journey was remarkably smooth, and I never had to rush to the doctor for any concerns.

    Hope and Reassurance

    While I may not be a medical expert, I hope that my blog has been helpful in some way, providing answers and reassurance to fellow parents dealing with colic. If you suspect your infant is experiencing colic, it is essential to consult a doctor for proper guidance and support. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and seeking professional advice can make all the difference.


    Dealing with a colic baby can be an overwhelming experience for any parent. The incessant crying and inability to soothe the baby can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness. However, it is crucial to remember that colic is a temporary phase that will eventually pass. As a parent, all you can do is provide love, comfort, and support to your little one during this challenging time.

    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    1. What is colic, and why does it happen in babies? Colic refers to intense and prolonged crying in otherwise healthy babies, usually during the first few months of life. The exact cause of colic remains unknown, but it is believed to be related to gastrointestinal discomfort or immature digestive systems.

    2. Are there any specific treatments for colic? Unfortunately, there is no specific cure or treatment for colic. However, certain soothing techniques, such as swaddling, rocking, or white noise, may help alleviate the baby’s discomfort and calm them during crying episodes.

    3. Is colic more common in breastfed or formula-fed babies? Colic can occur in both breastfed and formula-fed babies. It is not dependent on the type of feeding but rather the baby’s individual sensitivity to certain factors.

    4. How long does colic last? Colic typically peaks around six weeks of age and gradually improves by the third or fourth month. Most babies outgrow colic by the time they are six months old.

    5. Can colic be prevented? There is no surefire way to prevent colic, as its exact cause is still unclear. However, maintaining a calm and soothing environment for the baby and responding promptly to their needs can contribute to their overall well-being.